"Maybe it's time to go Vegan" Says Film Director Kevin Smith, After Massive Heart Attack.

 "Death was always the thing I was most terrified of in life"- Kevin Smith, Film Director.

Film Director Kevin Smith, 47, recently had a "massive" heart attack during stand- up special, after feeling nauseous.

Kevin Smith in hospital after heart attack . Maybe he needs a lifestyle change?

 Kevin Smith recently posted to Facebook about his experience. He mentions how, after feeling nauseous, he went to see the doctor. What had happened was he had a blockage of his LAD artery (left anterior descending artery). This artery is known as the "Widow-Maker" because it is so vital, if it fails, you usually die. 

In the post, he goes on to express his thoughts and feelings about life and death:
"Death was always the thing I was most terrified of in life". He expresses how, after the initial shock, he felt content and calm with his life, and that when he came to die, he would be more accepting of it: "I don’t want my life to end but if it ends, I can’t complain. It was such a gift".

Sometimes something has to hit you hard in life before you change your ways. After facing his greatest fear, Kevin goes on the say that he will be facing some lifestyle changes, and that "Maybe it's time to go Vegan".

A wholefoods, well-planned vegan/ plant-based diet is proven time and time again to protect against  dis-eases like what Kevin experienced. Meat and other animal products are also shown time and time again to have adverse effects on the human body. They contain unessential nutrients like cholesterol and saturated animal fat that are the cause of most cases of heart disease. They have also been shown to cause and promote many of the cancers we suffer from today. 

Perhaps most importantly, there are sentient beings that have to suffer, be exploited and ultimately be killed for a non-vegan lifestyle. It is completely unnecessary, and shown again to not only be harmful to the animals, but to yourself.

For advice on human health and a plant-based/ vegan diet, I recommend "How Not To Die" by Dr Michael Greger (click image):


  and/or visit his website: nutritionfacts.org


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